Practice as Research - Migration and Performance

Extended Vocal Art – Site Specific Performance

Asian and Pacific Performance Research and Training


Performance Work, Research and Training

Solo Für Saraphia - Jenseits des Schweigens, Monika Lilleike. Performance Documentation of the Solo now on Vimeo
The presentation of the solo was part of FLOWRRS, BELLS AND WATER  DECOLONIZING TURNS 24-26.6.2022 @schwerereiter, Munich, INSTALLATION PERFORMANCES PANELDISCUSSION, CHAKKARs - Moving Interventions,
Performance review:
Multidirektionale Erinnerung und Kolonialgeschichte im pazifischen Raum und darüber hinaus, by Sabine Sörgel
The tremor of dislocation, the undercurrent of the solo Für Saraphia - Jenseits des Schweigens - more under projects

Trainingprogramm 2023: Halau Hula Makahikina - Center of Hawaiian Performing Arts Berlin

Publications/ Forschungsveröffentlichung zum Hula 'Olapa und weitere Veröffentlichungen

Weaving against the Grain - A Decolonial Approach to Life: “To unlearn” in thinking, feeling and performing, Conference paper, online. Monika Lilleike. 2nd Asia Pacific Dance Festival Conference, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and East-West Center • Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 2022  Video of the online presentation on vimeo

Skinstory - Migratory Experiences and the Transformational Power of Performative Means of Expression
published in: African Somaesthetics: Cultures, Feminisms, Politics, Catherine F. Botha ed., Leiden: Brill, 23 November 2020

Lilleike, Monika (2016): Hawaiian Hula 'Olapa, Embodied Stylization, Percussion, and chanted Oral Poetry, Bielefeld: transcript.
More information:
Available in print and E-Book at transcript Interantional Academic Publishing and Amazon

Keywords: Practice as Research, Embodied Knowledge, Embodiment, Stylization, Multi-Sensory Experience, Oral Tradition, Aesthetics, Postcolonial Studies, Migration, Discourse of Belonging, Unresolved Dislocation, Decolonizing Strategies